Pest Control

Personal Information

Surname (s) / First name(s)
Position applied for
Address (es)
Home Phone (s)
Email Address
Date of birth
Height / Weight
Marital Status
No Child

Mother tongue(s)

Other language(s)

Personal Documents Information

Passport No / Valid
C1D Visa No / Valid
Seaman No / Valid
Panama No / Valid
BST Valid
Crisis Valid
Crowd Valid
SCRB Valid
Yellow Fever

Work Experience

Occupation or position held
Name and address of employee


Name Of Shcool
Attend / Graduate Year
Course / Study

Certificate Training



  1. Min 18 years old.
  2. Min D1 Hotel & Tourism School.
  3. Min Senior High School for Back House position.
  4. Speaks & understand English very well.
  5. Min 2 years working experiences/On The Job Training at 3/4/5 star hotel or 1 x contract on board of International cruise line.
  I agree


  1. Recent application letter (Typed with computer and HVS uses A4 paper).
  2. Recent Curriculum Vitae as BPC Standardization (Typed with computer and HVS uses A4 paper).
  3. Attach copy of working experiences/ On The Job Training ( and HVS uses A4 paper).
  4. Attach copy of Nationality ID Card (and HVS uses A4 paper).
  5. Attach Copy of school certificate (SMU/SMK/D1/University and HVS uses A4 paper)
  6. Attach 1 color photograph of white background ( size 3,5 x 4,5 with enlarged face looks 75%).
  7. Attach copy of Jobseeker Letter issued by the Man Power Department of region according to the ID Card the applicants.
  8. Attach Copy of Documents ( Passport, Seaman, BST, CCM, SSAT ) or all documents can be process at BPC (copy passport: page 3 & 48, zoom 150% and HVS uses A4 paper), (copy seaman: page 3 until 8, zoom 150% and HVS uses A4 paper), (copy BST & CCM: zoom 100% and HVS uses A4 paper do not be copied back and forth).

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